Why Educate To Protect?
Meets state statutes and other mandates for prevention education…for example Erin’s Law, Jenna’s Law, Ohio SB 288, etc.
Ease of use as the video teaches the lesson so just add a facilitator
Research based, interactive, and age appropriate

Educate to Protect: Molestation Prevention K-6
It is an elementary school-based program designed to heighten awareness of childhood molestation and sexual abuse to empower children to prevent or stop it from occurring by someone they may or may not know.
It is a K-6 school-based program with seven easy to implement interactive video led lessons designed to:
Improve understanding about appropriate and inappropriate touches
Empower children to know what to do if they receive an inappropriate touch
Educate children how to prevent becoming a victim or how to get help if they already have been violated
It is a program that includes a guide and resources that provide information on how to identify and report suspected or disclosed abuse. The information can be easily distributed to all staff to increase awareness, prevention and elimination of abuse.
Educate to Protect
Molestation and Sexual Abuse Prevention K-6 Programs
Educate to Protect – Childhood Molestation and Sexual Abuse Prevention Program K-6 enables child advocates to be proactive in the fight against child molestation and victimization.
Program details:
Meets state statutes and other mandates for prevention education
Research based
Highly endorsed
Age appropriate K-6 school-based lessons
Interactive instructional videos alleviates the need for content expertise
Empowers children by educating
Sensitive, yet effective
Provides resources to help children, parents, and educators
Did You Know?
Did you know that 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18?
An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today.
Join us in being part of the solution by adopting the Educate to Protect Molestation and Sexual Abuse K-6 Prevention Program.
About Us
Mission Statement
The mission of ReInventing the Cycle, a 501 (c)(3) tax deductible nonprofit organization, is to provide educational programs that will empower people to break dysfunctional life cycles and then reinvent positive, healthy ones.
Vision Statement
ReInventing the Cycle uses its Educate to Protect program to provide age appropriate sensitive, yet direct interactive lessons that will focus on childhood molestation and sexual abuse prevention. The program will make abstract concepts concrete through interactive lessons.
Our History
Over the past 15 years, ReInventing the Cycle, Inc has provided over 100 school districts access to childhood sexual abuse prevention education through our initial Project S.T.O.P. program.
*Note: Project S.T.O.P. (Stop The Oppressive Predator) has been rebranded, revised, and expanded into the current Educate to Protect program (K-6). Project S.T.O.P. is now the revised Lesson 3: When the Stranger to LOOK OUT for Isn’t a Stranger.
Who facilitates the Educate to Protect Program?Educate to Protect is intended to be facilitated by elementary school guidance counselors during a classroom lesson of approximately one hour. This program, however, is designed so that educators could also facilitate. The lessons presented by a subject matter expert. It is an interactive lesson, where the facilitator reinforces the material presented as directed by the video.
What makes the Educate to Protect Program so effective?Educate to Protect actively engages children through the use of an interactive video and book. The activities that are part of the program, allow children to learn through participation and collaboration.
What content standards does this program cover?Educate to Protect meets the State of Ohio standards. Since content standards vary in each state, please refer to your state’s department of education.
What are the credentials of this program?This program was developed by Cathy DuBois who has been teaching for 17+ years. She has earned a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education (1-8) and Special Education (K-12), and a Master’s Degree in Guidance Counseling. Sample research using pre/post tests with 500+ children showed a significant increase of content knowledge. Read endorsements from other esteemed professionals.
How can we acquire Educate to Protect for our organization?Please contact Cathy DuBois at Cathy.DuBois@EducateToProtect.org